Hey, my name is

Shakhruz Rakhmatov

Software Engineer

Based in Uzbekistan

Call me JavaScript enthusiast and TypeScript advocate.


I'm in love with JavaScript Ecosystem and its Community driven Open Source Softwares.



To be honest, I can't imagine my daily coding process without this Language, and I'm convinced that projects without proper type systems in long term just gets shit.


Git & GitHub became the tools I use on a daily basis both for the projects at work and side projects.

Cloud & Database

I wouldn’t call myself a Database architect or Serverless expert, though I had both theoretical and practical experience with the following technologies.

Career Timeline

Get in touch

Although, I am currently busy with projects,
I would love to face new opportunities and challenges.
If you have something interesting for me, I am always open for discussion!
Reach me on social media.

Designed & Build by Shakhruz Rakhmatov